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Product placement has an ROI of +400%


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With more than 15 years of experience in luxury and brand marketing with major groups such as Louis-Vuitton, LVMH, Nestlé SA, ING group

Dorine Akoa  CEO of Monaco Film Production  works exclusively with companies that want to:

Open up to collaborations

Be much more visible

Gilding their brand image

Gain the trust of the public.

Sell automatically over generations

Multiply their turnover

Establish their notoriety  

Creating an empire

 Our clients benefit from tailor-made and on-demand services, and a private and exclusive top-of-the-range accompaniment 24 hours a day around the world.

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Product Placement in Cinema is the royal road to big sales and lifetime notoriety.

Product placement, long considered clandestine advertising, has only been officially authorized in cinematographic works, audiovisual fiction, music videos and games since 2010!

Before explaining to you exactly what product placement is and how you can become millionaires or billionaires for life and   provide your family and future generations with a peaceful life, let me ask you a question .

Do you know that your success and the money you receive throughout your life depend only on the limits you impose on yourself and  the level of money you believe possible?

Yes, Your life is the visible part of all that you have believed in so far. So consciously choose today to believe in the best and it will manifest in your life.

Product placement

The placement of your brand, product, service and logo of your company is an advertising technique which consists of inserting, integrating, highlighting your brand, your product or your company's logo in a film, or a TV series in order to sublimate, give it a prestigious character, added value and immortality. Product placement in the cinema creates a strong bond of affection with the viewer, encourages demand and therefore  multiplies your sales.

  Indeed, the brand is better remembered when the spectator sees this brand in a real context, and the feeling of affection, love, respect or desire, exacerbated according to the actor, the model or the chosen star.


_ a watch on the wrist of your favorite actor.

_ Killian Mbappe   holds your product in his hands in a film.

_ a model car driven by James Bond.

_ Your favorite actor sitting in front of a computer in a movie scene.


Why use product placement in cinema


The objective of brand placement is to encourage the memory of a brand and its product better   than through traditional advertisements

·Product placement, for some advertisers, is even the cause of a change in attitude.

·The vision of a product on the screen influences the future buying behavior of the consumer.

·The presence on the screen allows the brand to build its image, to create, consolidate and generate its notoriety.

· it allows to reinforce its capital sympathy with the public.

·Brand placement allows  to differentiate itself from its competitors.

·Consumers favor brands that they know, have seen and heard, but above all that connect them to a loved character.

And finally, sensory isolation in a film, cinema or home cinema atmosphere, the absence of filters, sublimation and cinematographic techniques promote immersion and efficiency


Brand placement is therefore an interesting asset that complements other marketing techniques.


Some well-known examples below King Burger,  laApple and Tesla phone brand



Product or brand placement, by integrating naturally into the story of the scenario, positively marks the spirits and   creates a strong bond of affection and respect, thus takes on the character of confidence to confer on the living work, with a long-term effect and is naturally anchored in people's daily lives.

A study reveals that the public is attentive and caring; 96% of people believe that product placement does not harm the quality of the work and 85% recognize that it facilitates the memorization of the product, the brand or the company.

Interest of product or brand placement

Product placement would show an average ROI four (4) times higher than a TV ad spot. The director of Public Impact explains to us the specificities and advantages of what, until 2010 as we saw above, was considered clandestine advertising.

The ROI is 440%!

In details,Studies carried out on spectators who have been exposed to product placements show the impact of this mode of communication, in particular by comparing their responses to those of non-exposed people:
  • product placement shows a gain in notoriety of +15%,

  •   intention to inquire by +21%,

  •   recommendation to loved ones by +28%,

  • finally, declared purchase intention is twice as high as that of a TV spot.

Furthermore, product placement covers a plurality of contexts of appearance: does the brand play a role in the action, for example? In this case, product placement is 30% more effective than a just-seen brand.

The use of the product causes a gain of 20%, and 45% when a character rents its characteristics.

Advertisers are generally satisfied with their product placement operations.

  They draw a positive assessment of their product placement operations on criteria of visibility (73%), image (73%) and notoriety (64%), and believe that the advantages major aspects of placement are its ability to showcase their products (80%) and allow them to benefit from the image of the program and/or the actors (64%)

75% of viewers find that the presence of a brand on screen has an impact on the image of the brand and on the desire to buy the product in question


Contractual framework

For product placement, the contract is concluded between the advertiser (the person wishing to show his brand) and the director (regardless of the audiovisual medium).


in 1901, Georges Méliès, the creator of France's first film studio, promoted a brand of champagne in his film Barbe Bleue.

There are two types of contract.

üThe first is the placement contract having as consideration a payment from the advertiser. It is this type of contract that is the most widespread, it represents a significant financial advantage for the director. For example some radio serials from the 1930s and 1940s were called soap opera  precisely because they were financed by soap manufacturers to promote their products to housewives

üThe second type is the investment contract with a counterpart other than financial. For example, the advertiser can provide products or services for the production of the film or help with communication during the launch of the film, series, clip or video game. This is called “commodity exchange”.


The exchange of good practices is more useful for brands that are difficult to recognize. In exchange for the loan of their product, the brand will use the film for promotional purposes. By lending equipment, the brand lends its product to production; these are generally props or sets that are found in all films. They are sufficiently characteristic for the viewer to recognize their brand (for example: a car, a perfume, a place.)

In the case of a contract having as consideration a payment, the price that an advertiser can pay to place his product or his brand in an audiovisual medium, varies according to numerous criteria.

< > the duration of the appearance of the mark, the handling of the product or not, the degree of presence of the mark

Product placement in a film is a long-term investment because it's long-term advertising. The duration and life cycle of the work; from the cinema, to TV broadcasting, internet, reproduction (the film in which the brand is present will be seen  in the cinema, then seen several times on DVD or Blu-Ray, in television broadcasting. All this is to be taken into account.

The ROI is calculated over 3 years when the product placement concerns cinema. if theThe film is going international etc...

  Depending on these criteria, prices can range from $10,000 to $60,000.

In France, for a series it can go from 5,000 to 300,000 euros.

For movie sex and the city  released in 2008, 163 brands appear on the screen; on the other hand, only eight sponsors have been selected for a partnership at the global level, the cost for these brands being more than 23 million dollars

 Several elements favor the success of a brand placement in a film

Spontaneous recall of a brand placement increases with exposure time of the placement.

A brand placement generates more spontaneous memories if the brand appears in the center of the screen than if it appears in the periphery.

Spontaneous recall of a brand placement decreases with the number of brands that appear simultaneously on the screen.


A brand placement generates more spontaneous memories if the brand:

_ is quoted

_ is in contact with the hero

_ take part in the action

_ appears at the same time as the product.


_ Use of the product increases the impact of the placement by 20%

_ A role of the product in the action: + 30%

_ The qualities of the product praised by a character: + 45%

_ A role in the action + the qualities praised by a character: +80%.



Product placement is   interesting for you if:

– You want to establish a luxury brand image or a modern image

– You want to launch a new product or influence thethe behaviors of your target

– You don't have a huge budget compared to big brands, but you have a product you believe in.

All you have to do is   seduce the director so that through your   product placement or your brand it helps you impose yourself on consumers .


There are concretely three different types of investments:

< >The classic is the most basic and therefore also the most aggressive. It simply consists of quoting the brand in a sentence written in the scenario. Example: ''Hey, have you thought about buying Coca-cola?''.  < > The evocator is more subtle and it depends more on the director. The idea is to integrate the product into a plan in a natural way. Typically, an actor can pick up a can of Oasis and drink it close-up. < > Stealth is the most discreet and also the most risky for brands. For example, the outfits created by Jean-Paul Gaultier in the Fifth Element.Zooey Deschanel, she will, for a long time, be associated with elegance and charm. clever

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